Monday, July 28, 2014

Fairfield Elementary School Supplies


Below is a list of necessary supplies for students, grades K-5, for the upcoming school year.
** All students grades K-8 need to bring clean tennis shoes for P.E. classes in the gym.**

Grade K:                Book bag, water bottle, clean tennis shoes for PE, box of Kleenex.

Grade l:                  Pencils (4), color crayons, glue stick, scissors, 4 pack Expo markers and 1 eraser, 1 folder, clean tennis shoes for PE, book bag, plastic pencil box, water bottle, deck of cards, box of Kleenex

Grade 2:                Clean back pack, plastic “tool box” to hold  supplies, #2 pencils ( no mechanical please), 2 large erasers, 2 large glue sticks, 1 spiral note book(wide ruled), 2 composition books(wide ruled), deck of playing cards(for math), 4 Expo markers (at least 2 colors), old sock to erase marker boards clean, water bottle with name on it, tennis shoes for PE, 4 boxes of Kleenex(1for each quarter).
                                (OPTIONAL ITEMS: crayons, water color markers, colored pencils, glue, Clorox wipes & scissors)

Grade 3:                NO large binders (there is not enough room in the desks, so save your money), 
                             loose leaf  notebook paper, box of (at least) 24 crayons, watercolor markers, Expo Markers( 1pkg                               mixed colors) 3x5 ruled index cards, colored pencils, pencil box, sharpened #2 pencils,                                              (2) 2-pocket folders, box of Kleenex, erasers, ruler (with centimeters & inches), clean tennis shoes 

Grade 4:                Number 2 pencils ( No mechanical pencils), spiral notebook (for journal), notebook paper (NOT tablet and not collegiate lined), 3x5 index cards (for vocabulary), eraser, three folders, colored pencils, hi-liter, ball-point pen, crayons, small tipped expo markers, ruler (with centimeters & inches), clean tennis shoes for PE, small bottle of glue or glue sticks & scissors, multiplication flash cards, hand sanitizer, box of Kleenex.

Grade 5:                Loose leaf, wide rule notebook paper, composition book, 3 folders with pockets, pencil box, pencils, colored pencils, blue or black pen, erasers, crayons or markers, Expo Markers (1pkg  mixed colors), ruler, glue stick, hi-liters, scissors, lined 3 X 5 index cards, box of Kleenex, clean tennis shoes for PE, 2 stretch book covers
Grade 6:                                Necessary: erasers, 1 notebook, additional paper (tablet or loose leaf) 3x5 ruled index cards. #2 pencils, blue or black pens, folder, red or bright colored correcting pen, colored pencils, package of 3 or 4 different colored expo markers, clean tennis shoes for PE; Optional: locker organizers / lock, water bottle, calculator, scissors

*The Elementary & High School offices will have pencils for sale for $.10/each.
** It is recommended that the younger students have PE shoes with Velcro.

                          Supply List - 7th and 8th Grade
Language Arts                                                                                                    Science
 3 ring binder (2 inch or larger) will stay in room                                            Index cards
 Subject Dividers  (8)                                                                                          Construction paper                            
 Loose leaf paper                                                                                                 Clear binders
 Correcting pen-red
 Pens/Pencils (black or blue only)
 Index cards (1)
 Highlighters (2)
 Expo Markers
4 GB Flash Drive

Math-Mrs. Wilson & Miss Spencer
 3 ring binder (1 1/2 inch or larger) - one large binder             * to hold all subjects is acceptable*
 Loose leaf paper          Page dividers              
 Pencils                            Notecards    
 Eraser                             Expo markers- at least two
 Correcting pen             Calculator
 Compass                      Protractor

Mrs. Wilson & Miss Spencer expect you to have these things every day, so a pencil bag that hooks into your three-ring binder might be useful.