Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Weather changes

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to change.  Please, please, please make sure your child is properly equipped with enough clothing for weather changes.

Tennis parent fun night for tonight has been canceled.  

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Title Meeting

What:  Title Meeting
When:  Thursday, September 26, 2013 6:00 PM
Where: High School Media Center
Why:  To sign parent student compacts and school parent compacts as required by law.  If your student receives any type of Title services please attend.  

Friday, September 20, 2013

Bus Evacuation Drill Friday

Students at Fairfield Schools practiced bus evacuation drills as required by law!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

RtI Benchmark

Last week, we tested your students in Reading Fluency, Reading Comprehension, Spelling, Math Computation, Math Application, and Writing.  With our program that we have used for the last seven years called AimsWeb (please check it out here: http://www.aimsweb.com).  We plug in the data and it will kick out reports to us determining where your kiddo may need help.  The assessments vary in length with the longest one being eight minutes.
For the past two days, we meet as teams and discuss what best fits all the kids in their learning styles.  For the kiddos below targets we offer them "double and triple dosing"  which means we get them extra help in various facets.  For the kiddos on target, our teachers continue to challenge them and for the students above benchmark our teachers will provide opportunities to stretch them as well.
If your student is placed in the RtI program, you will receive an email or letter from me stating what we are for them and ask permission to continue.
As a school, we continually look at data not only for individualized instruction but to make decisions about curriculum, teaching methods, interventions, and placements.  We have been doing RtI for the past seven years, we continually strive to get better.  Our rate of Special Education services has dropped dramatically due to this process and we feel that it is just how we do business.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


dress up change

tuesday:  duck dynasty

wednesday: college pride day

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Homecoming Next week

Next week is Homecoming!
Spirit Week dress up days:
Monday: Color Day
Tuesday: College Wear
Wednesday: Duck Dynasty Day
Thursday: Gender Bender Day
Friday: Blue and White Day

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9/11 Recognition

In honor of 9/11 and Patriot Day, Fairfield Schools began our day outside in front of the school gathering around the flags that were placed out front.  Students said the Pledge of Allegiance and Mr. Meyer spoke for a few minutes about the significance to our students from the events that happened that day.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Reminder about FLY

Just a reminder to all parents that this is for students in Grades 3-8!  We have had some inquiries to making special accommodations and feel that we can not do that at this time.  


We started our RtI Benchmark testing this week.  We test three times a year in the areas of reading fluency, reading comprehension, spelling, writing, math computation and math applications.  We then read the data and decide what types of instruction the students need.  We are in our 8th year of this process and we have found that the number of our special education referrals have dropped dramatically.

*****5th Grade Girls Basketball Parochial League Practice starts TONIGHT at 7 PM!  All 5th grade girls interested in playing in this league will need to show up tonight in the little gym.******  

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Looking at developing a facebook page for Fairfield Elementary and Twitter feed....thoughts from the community?  Post your comment, I get to see them and decide to publish them before anyone else does....


Picture day is Friday....your child should have come home with a flyer with all their first day papers....your child needs to have the envelope and money to get their picture taken....no scholarships for this sorry!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy Tuesday

We are off to a flying start!

Today the Junior High Tennis team will travel to Choteau for a match.  The bus leaves at 2:30.

Just a reminder that school pictures are this Friday and money needs to come with your student!